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Priority Mail Chart - Commercial Base (Special Order)
Priority Mail Chart - Commercial Base (Special Order)

This Postal Rate Chart contains United States Postal Service (USPS) postage rates for the July 14, 2024 rate change. This chart includes Commercial Base Priority Mail Rates, as well as information on the Flat Rate Envelopes and Flat Rate Boxes, the Regional Rate Boxes (RRBs), Click-N-Ship, Carrier Pickup and SCAN Forms, and free USPS supplies such as boxes and labels.

Due to limited space, Zone 9 rates (United States Freely Associated States Palau, Micronesia, and Marshall Islands) are not included. If you have a particular need for this data, contact us to inquire about a custom chart.

This is a special order chart. Please allow up to 2 weeks for design and printing. Extra copies of the same special order chart are just $10, so contact us if you want more than one.

This standalone chart is not punched or bound. See the binding page for binding options.

Click the image for a high-resolution preview.

Price: $28.99